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Thirdwave has developed a cutting-edge machine learning model that can accurately map dapp smart contracts, making it easier to associate each smart contract action with specific behaviors such as interactions with a first-person shooter game or a liquidity staking DeFi project. By understanding these interactions, we can gain unparalleled insight into user behavior within the dapp ecosystem.

To leverage this technology, Thirdwave has created the Dapp Insights API, which provides onchain insights on the most comprehensive and accurate mapping of dapps. With this API, you can gain access to a wealth of information about dapps, including active wallet trends, cohort retention, and rich metadata associated with these projects such as genre, project status, developer, social links, and more.

Whether you are a developer looking to build better dapps or an investor seeking to make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources, the Dapp Insights API offers a powerful and valuable tool for gaining a deeper understanding of the dapp ecosystem. With its unparalleled accuracy and detail, the API can help you make better decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

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Data Fields

Field NameField TypeField Description
Dapp IDmetadataThirdwave identifier for the dapp
Dapp NamemetadataName of the dapp
Dapp Smart ContractsN/AList of smart contracts associated with the dapp
BlockchainmetadataThe blockchain platform associated with each smart contract
DescriptionmetadataBrief description of the dapp
GenremetadataCategory or genre of the dapp
Project StatuslabelStatus of the dapp project (e.g., in development, live)
Launch datemetadataDate when the dapp was launched
Social profilesmetadataLinks to social media profiles associated with the dapp
Active WalletsmetricNumber of active wallets using the dapp
New WalletsmetricNumber of new wallets using the dapp
TransactionsmetricTotal number of transactions processed by the dapp
VolumemetricTotal transaction volume processed by the dapp
RetentionmetricRate of user retention within the dapp ecosystem
Total FollowersmetricTotal number of followers across all social media platforms
Twitter FollowersmetricNumber of followers on Twitter associated with the dapp
Discord MembersmetricNumber of members in the Discord community associated with the dapp